Oslo Media House – the hub


Oslo Media House was established in 2014 based on the concept to facilitate premises for multimedia development and production. The tenants are small businesses, teams and self-employed people who work with everything from journalism and publishing to human rights.

Oslo Media House rapidly became a hub and place of work for those who want to meet the media sector changes in new ways and with new ideas. There have been around 25 tenants in the office community at any one time, and since its inception six years ago, hundreds of people have had office space for shorter or longer periods.

The tenants of Oslo Media House are cheering on in front of premises in Posthallen in Oslo city centre in the summer of 2019. Photo: Oslo Media House/NIcklas Knudsen.

Both individuals and teams have been accommodated. After five years in Skippergata 26, Oslo Media House continued at the new address Dronningens gate 15, Posthallen, until 2020. Moving out of the Posthallen end 2020, the coworkers await the possibility of a new space.  This will be a concideration during the months to follow in 2021. (This post was updated Feb, 2021)

Multimedia conference

For one month, May 2019, the OMH tenants and members was without a office space, waiting to move into the Posthallen offices from 1 June 2019. Four months later, in mid-September 2019, OMH opened a ground floor “conference café”.

OMH had a podcast studio in the office space, while in the new “conference space”, the aim was to have an optimized space for multimedia meetings, with streaming, live podcasts and video production.

Office and production space

Almost all tenants joined from the premises in Skippergata to Posthallen during the move in April-June 2019. Also, several new tenants joined in, and they contributed generously to the office community.

The vision of OMH has always been to provide office space and work premise with inspiring colleagues who contribute to exciting activities and projects. Coworking gives an environment and good colleagues even if you work alone.

Oslo Media House’s office floor consisted of team offices with a clean desk area in the middle. Among the tenants in the new premises was in June 2019 the following teams:

Foundation Born Free

The organization, in Norwegian “Født Fri” became part of the office community in the winter of 2018. The Foundation worked for common equality goals across gender, faith and ethnicity. The organization was dedicated to countering shame and honour cultures and worked purposefully to promote respect for individuals’ freedom in all environments.


BoldBooks AS is a start-up company at the intersection of the IT and book industry. The company is developing a platform for independent book releases, excluding publishers. It’s an indie writer’s platform. Innovation Norway and the Arts Council support BoldBooks. 

Equality, Integration, Diversity

Equality, Integration, Diversity: LIM (Likestilling, Integrering, Mangfold) is a non-governmental organization that promotes immigrants’ participation, trust, and affiliation to Norwegian society.

Oslo Business Memo

Conducts journalism, publishing –  and collaborates with several publications in the professional press. The talented OBM team also operates video production, streaming, podcast production, mobile journalism, photo, editorial magazine production, etc.

Digital Heads

Digital Heads offer strategic digital advice, digital initiatives and training, digital topics for business leaders, marketing departments and agencies. Digital Heads helps leaders with insight, mapping, digital strategy and useful frameworks. Digital Heads builds digital expertise in Norwegian businesses using workshop courses and competence-raising programmes. Read more at digitalheads.no.

Assisted Self-Publishing

Giutbok.no has assisted self-publishing for several years and has succeeded in starting the new publishing house Giutbok.no in Oslo Media House and has helped more than 1,000 authors release a book.


Many self-employed journalists, photographers, publishers have populated the Oslo Media House since the start in 2014. Around 150 professionals have had longer or shorter terms in this collaborative and innovative environment.